The Bookasaurus

Devoted to all things book related. And occasionally dinosaurs.


Welcome to the Bookasaurus Blog!

Books have been a constant in my life for as long as I can remember and my parents tell me even before that. It’s a passion I know many share and having contributed and conversed via other blogs I have decided I would like my own personal space to share my ramblings and as an online library of my book reviews.

I am naturally very curious and love learning new things so books help me fulfil the need to learn and explore on a daily basis. However, I also read very much for relaxation and find nothing more comforting than re-reading a well loved book.

My book shelves and ebook shelves contain an eclectic mix of titles but there are two common themes to a lot of my reading material and that is fantasy and mystery, predictably some of my favourites combine them both.

When it comes to new books I really enjoy I have what may be an unusual reading style: I read the book through quickly, impatient to find out how it ends, but then I immediately read it again. This time at a slower pace savouring the writing and language and noting all the subtleties I missed the first time. If anyone else does this I would love to know!


I am also fascinated by dinosaurs and fossils which led to the name of the blog so will also share the occasional dinosaur related post.

I have no particular plan or goal for this blog so it will no doubt evolve organically over time. Please feel free to browse without obligation or to give opinions, make comments and offer suggestions. All are welcome!